
Showing posts from December, 2020

That's Shady! How to use inks and shades to make your models come alive.

        Hello and welcome to another edition of my mini painting for beginners guide! Now that you have the base coats applied to your models the next step is to get shady! Now when I say get shady I'm not talking about being dishonest, I'm talking about the subtle art of applying shades to your models. Firstly what is shade exactly?  Shades or as some may call them inks or washes are specialized paints made to reach the recessed areas of a model to give the mini depth and shadows. Shades are essentially paint that has been watered down heavily to be a free flowing liquid with the viscosity of water.  By watering the paint down you reduce the pigment in the solution. This allows the shade to flow into cracks and recesses and settle. When I first got into mini painting I thought people actually painted all the tiny little blacks and browns in the details of models.  Chaos Warriors awaiting their first shade bath. It wasn't until ...