Choosing your Team's Colors for Fun and Profit!

Hello, welcome and thanks for joining me for another edition of my how to paint minis for beginners series In our previous editions I've covered assembly, priming, and basecoating. It has just occured to me however that we haven't discussed one of the most important things when it comes to mini painting (especially blood bowl players), color selection. Choosing a kit ( a kit is a team's dedicated colors, IE Philadelphia Eagles are Silver and Midnight Green, NY Yankees pinstripe Blue, La Lakers Purple and Yellow) to match your team is no simple feat. You must consider a multitude of things, including the team race, what colors look good together as well as what colors you actually like. Take for example my Chaos Chosen Team. The main kit colors I chose were Mephiston Red and The Fang. You can see the two main colors expressed in the team coin. I main reason I chose these colors was because they matched the kit of the Chaos Chosen Team I played in my PS4 Blood Bow...