Choosing your Team's Colors for Fun and Profit!

Hello, welcome and thanks for joining me for another edition of my how to paint minis for beginners series

In our previous editions I've covered assembly, priming, and basecoating. It has just occured to me however that we haven't discussed one of the most important things when it comes to mini painting (especially blood bowl players), color selection.

Choosing a kit ( a kit is a team's dedicated colors, IE Philadelphia Eagles are Silver and Midnight Green, NY Yankees pinstripe Blue, La Lakers Purple and Yellow) to match your team is no simple feat.

You must consider a multitude of things, including the team race, what colors look good together as well as what colors you actually like.

Take for example my Chaos Chosen Team. The main kit colors I chose were Mephiston Red and The Fang.

You can see the two main colors expressed in the team coin.

I main reason I chose these colors was because they matched the kit of the Chaos Chosen Team I played in my PS4 Blood Bowl 2 league.

Red is also a very common color for a chaos team. The reason I chose The Fang to compliment it was mostly from a fluff (another word for "lore", fluff is the little miniatuae that makes a team unique) standpoint.

My team is called Strong Bad's Awesome Team based upon characters from The Homestar Runner web cartoon. The reason I went with The Fang is because it was the best color to simulate Jorts (a portmanteau of jeans and shorts). 

While a chaos team wearing jorts and armor is both stupid and ridiculous, for a chaos team composed of characters from Homestar Runner it's just perfect.

Look at that Chaos' Warriors ass in them  Jorts.

It's little details like Jorts that add individuality and depth to a Blood Bowl team. So when you are ready to choose the colors for your team remember

1. Choose colors that fit the team race/design.

2. Choose colors that compliment each other.

3. Choose colors that match "The Fluff" you've chosen for your team.

       Beastmen also make great jort models.

I hope you've found this guide on kit color selection helpful. As a reward for reading the whole post here's a chorus line of Chaos Warrior asses.


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